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Back to Normal: Recovering your life after lockdown burnout 

Are you getting back to normal after covid? Or has lockdown changed the game for you? 


Lots of people are even more tired and overwhelmed than they were before. You may be dealing with life stuff that’s got even more intense as a result of lockdown. Or your whole set-up might be different as work, school and life shifts in response to the crisis.


Thursday 6th May
2-3.15pm BST, 9am EDT


Sign up for the webinar

We'll send you the Zoom link and info how to prepare via email, as well as reminders on the day of the event.

I see many people at the moment experiencing more intensity than usual:
  • Relationship stress

  • Kids mental health

  • Physical burnout

  • Overwhelm/overload from juggling too much

  • Isolation/loneliness

  • Mental health

  • Long covid

  • Financial challenges


And yet expecting themselves to be able to work, solve problems, support their loved ones and generally keep going just as they were before.

Burnout is so much more than being tired, and recovering takes so much more than “having a nap”.  
Signs that you might be suffering from lockdown burnout:
  • You’re unsure about your friendships

  • You’re not enjoying your kids/spouse as much as normal

  • You feel like you could nap for the next year and half

  • You’ve lost your Mojo for work

  • You just want to stare into space

  • You’re finding it hard to switch off/rest

  • You’re daydreaming about escape

  • Things just feel HARD despite your best efforts

Discover what Lockdown Burnout is, what living in a lockdown can do to your nervous system (and why it was harder than normal life). 
Learn scientifically backed strategies for recovering from burnout quickly, and structuring your life so you are burnout proof.
For more energy, focus, motivation. Better relationships, greater productivity. Just FEEL BETTER.

Thursday 6th May
2-3.15pm BST, 9am EDT


Sign up for the webinar

We'll send you the Zoom link and info how to prepare via email, as well as reminders on the day of the event.

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